are a few pictures of what has been going on with us.
The other day we were at Target (duh!) and I finally decided to start potty training with Mady. She has honestly been asking for a few days and I just wasn't sure if either of us were truly ready. Well I figured we would buy the big girl underwear and see how it went. *I think I had a little bit too high expectations because she had been all about it* Big.Fat.Fail. We kept putting her on the potty with no success and then when she knew she needed to go, she would run in her room and pee on her floor in her princess underwear. The first time, ok. It was an accident. The second time, I knew girlfriend knew what she was doing and I was annoyed. So, we quit potty training for now. We will attempt again in a little while. Can you tell she is a little stubborn?!
Yesterday we headed to the mall to get a "mall pretzel" (as Mady says) and just walk around a little bit. We had no real agenda. We bought an outfit for Mady and a few things for Maci. Since she is a summer baby and my Mady girl was a fall baby their clothes are in opposite seasons and plus I wanted to pick something up just for Maci girl. Let the shopping begin! =)
Mady loves watching "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood" on PBS and it really is such a cute show. Well yesterday he was having a sleep over so Mady decided she was going to have a sleep over as well with all her stuffed animals. It was so cute. I love watching her when she imaginary plays. I love hearing what she says and how she pretends. And yes, she is only in a diaper. We have this new thing where we love to be naked and run around like crazy (her words, not mine)