*The hubby came home from work last night at 9:30. He went upstairs to change and put on jeans. I was quite perplexed. However, he is known to do this often. He says jeans are comfy....I kindly disagree.
*I was changing Mady's diaper before bed last night and she deliberately pushed out a fart and then continued to say "fart". I couldn't help but laugh. I did explain that little girls don't talk like that. (Like she understood what I meant!)
* I can't wait until I get my Target gift card in the mail! We were able to cash in some credit card points for it. I have had my eye on some super cute nail polish! **Just got the mail! It came!! Heading to our favorite store later with the one and only goob!!**
Essie-To Buy or Not to Buy! |
*I am super sad we aren't able to spend Easter with our extended family. Matt's schedule and gas prices just dont't allow for that this year! I am super excited, however, to be cooking for my special little family!
*Mady went down for a super early nap today. This means a long afternoon ahead for the momma!
* I think I call my mom about a million times a day! For real! Good thing she loves me so much! =)
* Speaking of my mom, she spoils Mady beyond measure! She is her only grandbaby...who can blame her?!
Nana and her Mady. =) |
*I put Toy Story on for Mady this morning. She actually sat and watched it! YAY! This momma can only take so much of Elmo, Sid, Big Bird, Veggie Tales...to name a few!
*We go to the park almost everyday. We live in an apartment complex and the people around us don't pick up their dog "stuff" so I don't take her outside. Makes me super annoyed because it would be so convenient to just walk out our backdoor.
*I love, love, love holidays and making special treats for the people in my family! I am super excited to put together Mady's Easter basket this year. I didn't do one last year because she was only 5 months old. This year however, she has a few 5.00 dollar DVDs from Target, marshmallows, play dough, and a book! Even the hubby has a small Easter basket!
*Speaking of Easter and Pinterest. I made these for our family members for Easter! Super cute and super easy to do!
Simply a mason jar with different candy layered in it. Then cut out a cute Easter shape...and wala! |
OK. I think it is time for this momma to start reading the Hunger games second book and rest a little bit! Wahoo!!
Happy Thursday!
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