-Today has been a tough mommy day. Mady was so good this morning. Playing in her room, reading books, cute as a button. Then, this afternoon hits, and bam! Holy moly meltdowns. We had to run to target to grab a few things and I was about in tears on our way back to the car. She hates to be in the cart, so I let her sit in the big part because we were going to be 5 minutes. Well, in those 5 minutes, she almost had me in tears. So glad she is in bed right now.
-On the same topic, she did not want to eat dinner, or I should say her chicken. I asked her to eat 5 bites and put them in front of her. She proceeded to flick them away and then ask for a "nack" (snack). Yeah right girlfriend. It ended with me feeding her a yogurt while she played in the tub. I know, I know. I shouldn't have done that but honestly I was just done.
-There are 4 boxes still in my living room. It is a bunch of random crap that I don't know where to put. I'll get to it eventually.
-Whenever you ask Mady her name now, she says "ME" and points to herself. Somedays she will say "Mady" but they are few and far between. It is so cute though.
-Matt is going to be gone on his days off this weekend. Dreading the weekend. Hopefully Mady's attitude changes between now and then. And mine too.
-I caught Mady in the corner today, where I have some pictures on the ground, saying "Hi Momma" and "Hi Dada" and giving us kisses. #cutestthingever
-I truly am loving our new place. I walk in the door and just smile. It's nothing grand or spectacular, but it is just right for us. Being in the "place of hell" has given me very new appreciation and thankfulness for this place.
-I am signing up for the fall bible study at our church. I cannot back out. I need that time, to be with other women, working on my relationship with the Lord, and Mady needs a chance to play and be with other kiddos. I am excited but I hope I don't chicken out!
-I am sad that we probably won't be headed to Jersey until late Sept/early October. I miss my family so much. I have been spoiled lately with seeing them so much.
-That's about all I have today.
-And just because she is too cute. Here is a picture of the pain in my butt little girl.
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