*I went to bible study last Wednesday morning. Didn't know a single person and it turned out better than I could have hoped. A couple of sweet ladies befriended me right away and were very interested in getting to know me. Everyone was super nice and welcoming. Mady and I go back tomorrow. I am still a little apprehensive but tomorrow we actually start the study so I am excited about that. Plus, Mady loves going too.
*Thursday morning, Mady and I packed up and headed to Jersey until Monday morning. Matt had to work extremely long hours this weekend and we would not have saw him at all. So, he suggested we go to Jersey to spend time with some of our favorite people. And we did just that. It was a perfect Fall weekend in Jersey, and the only thing keeping me from stay there is my hubby. It is still so hard to leave.
*While, we were visiting my mom and dad. Mady got sick. So, we took our first trip to Urgent Care. I could not be more happy with their service. So nice! Turns out she had a yeast and ear infection. Double Whammy for my poor girl. A prescription for antibiotics and a cream and we were on our way. She had a fever the whole time we were at my parents but, for the most part, was in a pretty pleasant mood.
This is right before we went to Urgent Care
*On Saturday, Mom, Mady and I went to the annual craft fair in Pitman. We have gone for about 5 years now or more. It is funny how we have evolved because we first starting going when I was engaged, then married, and then I went when I was 8 months pregnant with Mady, and when she was almost a one year old, and now almost a 2 year old. Crazy. It was really busy and packed but we managed to buy a few things. It was a fun morning to spend with two of my most favorite people in this world.
Hangin' out in the stroller, eating a pretzel with some attitude.
*One thing I love about going to my parents is the wagon. They got her a wagon for her first birthday and we ended up just kepting it up there. We love going for walks in the wagon. I love where my parents live, and there is always kids playing outside or other people walking. It just feels so homey. Plus, the weather was perfect for a walk before bed time which I think we did every night.
Showing me her piece of grass
Skipping with Nana.
*Overall, we had a wonderful time and were able to visit with some wonderful people. Especially Jason and Shannon. I just love them! Plus, Shannon and I were able to have some girl talk which was so desperately needed on my end. =)
*There is so much more to say about our wonderful weekend but I'll just leave it at that.
*Today has been a clean, organized, regroup, and purge day. It has been somewhat successful so far. But now it is cloudy and raining and I just want to cuddle on the couch and do nothing.
Happy Tuesday!!! =)
Just in your end!! My end too girlfriend! haha! I was so so soooo happy to see you...you understand me! Love you bunches and thanks for the girl time! Can't wait for the next visit! Hope Mady is feeling better!