This past year, 2012, has been a doozy. It probably was one of the hardest years I have been through and Matt and I have been through together. However, this year has taught us so many lessons which I am truly grateful for now. I am excited for the new year. I like the feeling January 1st brings. A fresh start. New opportunities. New outlooks.
This past year we moved away from where Matt and I grew up, went to college, and had our daughter. We moved away from family who we love and were super close to. We came to Virginia, not knowing anyone, not knowing the area, or what was in store for us. Oh boy...
We moved into a crappy apartment that had so many problems, smelled horrible, and had cockroaches. Our fuse box caught on fire and we were basically homeless for 24 hours in the dead heat of summer. It was horrible to say the least. Thankfully we were able to get out of that terrible situation and into a better place and area.
We moved down here so hubby could take a job that he thought he would like and lead to better opportunities. That's not exactly how it turned out. He has a great attitude about it most days even though I know he is not happy there. Also, the
pay is horrible and we struggled financially. However, the Lord always
We sold one of our cars to then realize that it was a bad decision for us at the time. This led to a month and half of Mady and I with no car, no where to go, and really no friends. It was a depressing and hard few months. Then the car troubles continued when we found out that Matt's check engine light problem would cost us close to 1000 dollars. But, it was the only car at the time...we needed to get it fixed. Again, the Lord provided. Thankfully, in the beginning of June, with some help from people we love, we were able to purchase another car and become a 2 car family again. Praise the Lord!
August came and so did more disappointment, unfortunately. Matt had been interviewing and going through a process with a job he had his heart set on since February. Everything was falling into place and it looked like he was able to land an awesome job and opportunity until we got a letter in the mail saying he did not get the job. We were dumbfounded and caught completely off guard. It was a tough few days but we felt the Lord's peace and slowly moved forward. Looking back now, we are thankful he didn't get that job for many different reasons. The Lord had us in his hands.
I struggled with missing my parents and everything in New Jersey that felt like home to me. There were many days of more tears than smiles. Matt and I struggled to make true friendships down here. We thought we had made some great friends until somehow, someway things fell through. It was a weird honestly and still confuses me but, the Lord had different friends in mind for us.
Things started to turn around for us in September. We finally got our community group up and running and met some fabulous people who love us and our daughter so much. We feel truly blessed to have met them. We finally feel connected.
Then in October we found out we were pregnant with number 2 that is due in late June. We are beyond excited and thrilled for this new little gift. Hubby is interviewing for a new job closer to family and we will know in the mid to late January if that is a go, and if not, well then the Lord has something better in mind for us.
Throughout this year, I have seen the Lord's hand in our lives more so than ever before. He has guided us, mended our hurt hearts, brought us closer together as husband and wife, and to him. He has provided for us in every way that we needed. It may not have been easy year by a long shot but He was there, right beside us the whole time. As much as I am looking forward to this new year, I am thankful for this difficult year. (and trust me, it takes a lot for me to write that and believe it) The Lord used it to shape and mold us more like Him.
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