As I am sitting here writing this I don't know where to begin. You have been such an amazing husband, best friend, supporter, encourager, father, and so many other things to me and now to our daughter. We have been through so much in these past 4 years married, or 10 years together. High school graduation College graduation, Bootcamp graduation, getting married, having our daughter, deployment to Kuwait, moving to Virginia. I mean that is crazy and we are only 25! I love living life with you. You make it fun and enjoyable. We never know what is around the corner for us. I am just thankful to have you by my side through all of our trials and tribulations. You compliment me wonderfully. You are truly my better half.
Thank you for the last 4 years. They have been wonderful, trying at times, but none the less wonderful. I cannot wait to grow our family with you. I look forward to the special memories we will share together and with our children.
I love you always.
and Forever.

Happy anniversary yall!!