I have been doing a lot of baking and cooking lately. I really just love the whole process of it and seeing how much my family enjoys the things I make for them.
Right now in the house are homemade apple chips, brownie cookies and now cheerio treats! Little too much huh?
However, the thing is, even with all of my baking, I don't eat much of it ( well except the Cheerio treats...yummo!)
So I thought I would share this childhood favorite recipe of mine. Like I said, it is so easy and super yummy!
Cheerio Treats
1 cup light karo
1 cup mini marshmellows
1 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup peanut butter
5 cups Cheerios
Combine the karo, marshmellows, and chocolate in a pot on the stove. Mix together until melted and there are no lumps. *Keep mixing constantly so the chocolate doesn't burn on the bottom*
In a large mixing bowl, combine the cheerios and marshmallows. Set aside
When mixture is done melting, pour over cheerios and marshmallows and mix well.
In a 8x8 baking dish, spray with cooking spray so they don't stick.
Pour mixture in baking dish and refrigerate for a few hours.
I cannot wait until they are chilled so I can devour a chunk of them!
Happy Baking!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Sometimes it is the little things
It has been a tough day in our home today, won't go into details but needless to say we are trusting the Lord and allowing him to work in our lives in whatever ways He sees fit. So, today I just wanted to remind myself of the little things I am thankful for.
1. Our new apartment. This place feels so much more like home than the last place. It is so cozy and I am really enjoying decorating it for fall. And yes, it is already mostly decorated and it is only August 28th but it makes me smile. =)
2. Of course, my hubby and goobie girl. They just make me smile. Mady has been so cuddly lately and constantly wanting me to "pay" (play) and she is finally understanding how to play together. We have had fun "cooook-ing" lately. Matt is just a constant source of enjoyment, and fun, and love. I just really do love him to pieces.
3. The possible opportunity to start subbing again. I still have to get all of my paper work together and submit it (and we all know it will probably take forever) but I am thankful for the opportunity to do something I have always enjoyed, even if it is a few times a week and provide some extra needed income.
4. The new recipes I have made the last few nights. I have always loved baking but I really have enjoyed cooking lately. Sometimes new recipes intimidate me but they have turned out successfully and if Mady likes it, it is a major plus! I have made mini chicken alfredos, honey garlic pork chops and brownie cookies. They all turned out yummmmmy! Thank you pinterest!
5. I am truly thankful that I serve a God that has my best interest in mind even when we wonder "why" during certain trials. I know He has way better plans than Matt and I could ever dream of for yourselves or family. I am learning everyday what it truly means to trust the Lord with my WHOLE heart. It is not easy or pretty at times but He is working in me and I am thankful.
6. For what is to come this Fall season. Many holidays to enjoy, birthdays to celebrate, and memories to be made.
1. Our new apartment. This place feels so much more like home than the last place. It is so cozy and I am really enjoying decorating it for fall. And yes, it is already mostly decorated and it is only August 28th but it makes me smile. =)
2. Of course, my hubby and goobie girl. They just make me smile. Mady has been so cuddly lately and constantly wanting me to "pay" (play) and she is finally understanding how to play together. We have had fun "cooook-ing" lately. Matt is just a constant source of enjoyment, and fun, and love. I just really do love him to pieces.
3. The possible opportunity to start subbing again. I still have to get all of my paper work together and submit it (and we all know it will probably take forever) but I am thankful for the opportunity to do something I have always enjoyed, even if it is a few times a week and provide some extra needed income.
4. The new recipes I have made the last few nights. I have always loved baking but I really have enjoyed cooking lately. Sometimes new recipes intimidate me but they have turned out successfully and if Mady likes it, it is a major plus! I have made mini chicken alfredos, honey garlic pork chops and brownie cookies. They all turned out yummmmmy! Thank you pinterest!
5. I am truly thankful that I serve a God that has my best interest in mind even when we wonder "why" during certain trials. I know He has way better plans than Matt and I could ever dream of for yourselves or family. I am learning everyday what it truly means to trust the Lord with my WHOLE heart. It is not easy or pretty at times but He is working in me and I am thankful.
6. For what is to come this Fall season. Many holidays to enjoy, birthdays to celebrate, and memories to be made.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Life Lately
Here is a little of what is going on in our house over the last few weeks. Nothing too exciting. Settling back into the everyday routine now with the move over. It definitively feels good to be back on somewhat of a schedule.
Target Shopping. Mady now has an obsession with the "beep beep" carts at the grocery stores. Because lets be honest, it is the only way I can get our shopping done. So, at the Target, she wanted to sit in this thing so I sat with her too and Daddy pushed us around Target. Not the easiest task but he is a great daddy!
I have been feeling really frumpy and crappy lately, so I decided to actually get ready for the day. I actually thought I looked somewhat decent so I took a picture. Haha. Love the mirror shot.
I've been crafting lately. It gives me something to do after Mady goes to bed and before Matt gets home from work. Now I just need a cute fall picture of my baby girl!
Mady loves to lay in our bed now and pretend she is sleeping.
We have been missing home lately so we decided to sport some Philly team spirit. This is also her "cheese" face. Love her. Now she just needs an Eagles shirt and we are ready for football season! Yay!
Matt gave me some "me" time the other day so I headed to Kohls to walk around for a little bit. I got this message while I was in the store and honestly, I shed a few tears. I love these two more than they know, and I love when they get to spend some fun time together because it doesn't happen too often.
I took Mady to the pool yesterday. It wasn't too hot and kind of cloudy out so crazy me forgot the sunscreen. #momfail! But it was around 4:30 so we just stayed about a half hour and then headed home. Only about a week and half before the pool closes.
I am so excited for Fall but I will miss the care free-ness of the summer days. The pool. The ice cream treats. The flip flops. The late nights out. The long days of sunlight.
But...Fall brings so many opportunities to make special memories! So, bring it on!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Mommy needs a time out!
Remember when you were young and your parent's told you to go to your room because you did something wrong or what not? I also remember telling my parents that they had to go to their room for punishment too, and their answer would always be "OK!" I now understand why they said it with such enthusiasm.
I need a time out. A mommy time out.
Matt has been working a lot lately between his civilian job, the navy, and other responsibilities. I feel like this past week has felt like his previous deployment days. And I sure as heck don't miss those. Long and Lonely.
It has just been me and the little girl, and I must say, for the most part, she has been well-behaved and downright so cute as times but still I am kind of worn out.
It is mommy 24/7. All meals. All diaper changes. All bumps and bruises. All meltdowns. All bathes. All outfit changes. All playing and reading. All coloring. All me.
And honestly, I think she misses daddy. She kept thinking he was home this morning sleeping, and she kept saying "shhh dada seepin" I so wish buddy.
And I miss him too. SO much. We have not had a dinner together since last week. Mady has not had some daddy time in a long time as well.
SO, hurry home daddy! We miss you!
Mommy needs a time out and Daddy needs some "goobie" time. I know he has missed her so much.
I need a time out. A mommy time out.
Matt has been working a lot lately between his civilian job, the navy, and other responsibilities. I feel like this past week has felt like his previous deployment days. And I sure as heck don't miss those. Long and Lonely.
It has just been me and the little girl, and I must say, for the most part, she has been well-behaved and downright so cute as times but still I am kind of worn out.
It is mommy 24/7. All meals. All diaper changes. All bumps and bruises. All meltdowns. All bathes. All outfit changes. All playing and reading. All coloring. All me.
And honestly, I think she misses daddy. She kept thinking he was home this morning sleeping, and she kept saying "shhh dada seepin" I so wish buddy.
And I miss him too. SO much. We have not had a dinner together since last week. Mady has not had some daddy time in a long time as well.
SO, hurry home daddy! We miss you!
Mommy needs a time out and Daddy needs some "goobie" time. I know he has missed her so much.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Random Jumbled Thoughts
-Today has been a tough mommy day. Mady was so good this morning. Playing in her room, reading books, cute as a button. Then, this afternoon hits, and bam! Holy moly meltdowns. We had to run to target to grab a few things and I was about in tears on our way back to the car. She hates to be in the cart, so I let her sit in the big part because we were going to be 5 minutes. Well, in those 5 minutes, she almost had me in tears. So glad she is in bed right now.
-On the same topic, she did not want to eat dinner, or I should say her chicken. I asked her to eat 5 bites and put them in front of her. She proceeded to flick them away and then ask for a "nack" (snack). Yeah right girlfriend. It ended with me feeding her a yogurt while she played in the tub. I know, I know. I shouldn't have done that but honestly I was just done.
-There are 4 boxes still in my living room. It is a bunch of random crap that I don't know where to put. I'll get to it eventually.
-Whenever you ask Mady her name now, she says "ME" and points to herself. Somedays she will say "Mady" but they are few and far between. It is so cute though.
-Matt is going to be gone on his days off this weekend. Dreading the weekend. Hopefully Mady's attitude changes between now and then. And mine too.
-I caught Mady in the corner today, where I have some pictures on the ground, saying "Hi Momma" and "Hi Dada" and giving us kisses. #cutestthingever
-I truly am loving our new place. I walk in the door and just smile. It's nothing grand or spectacular, but it is just right for us. Being in the "place of hell" has given me very new appreciation and thankfulness for this place.
-I am signing up for the fall bible study at our church. I cannot back out. I need that time, to be with other women, working on my relationship with the Lord, and Mady needs a chance to play and be with other kiddos. I am excited but I hope I don't chicken out!
-I am sad that we probably won't be headed to Jersey until late Sept/early October. I miss my family so much. I have been spoiled lately with seeing them so much.
-That's about all I have today.
-And just because she is too cute. Here is a picture of the pain in my butt little girl.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Mady is growing and changing so much. I cannot believe she will be two in a few short months! I mean it's already August 15th...say what?!
I wanted to remember some of the funny and crazy things she has been saying/doing lately.
-Today she spilled her crackers on the couch and said "aw man!'
-I told her today to go get her shoes and bring them to me so instead of getting the shoes, she proceeded to "hide" behind the pillow. I see you other there missy!
-Matt and I visit Dunkin often. Mady now associates Dunkin with chocolate because we usually get her a munchkin. Now she tells us, "chocolate car" meaning she wants to go in the car to get chocolate. Smart little lady.
Evidence of a chocolate mess!
-She fell off of her little chair today and hurt herself so I went over and cuddled her for a few minutes. Then I see her do it again and fake cry on purpose. Oh Madelyn.
-She kisses her boo boos all day, multiple times a day. And if you have a boo boo, she will kiss it for you and tell you "all better." Too cute.
-I am trying to get her to say please and thank you. So if she asks for something, I usually say, "Madelyn can you say please" but instead of her actually saying "please" she says uh-huh. This goes on multiple times a day. She will learn one day.
-She loves talking on the phone and will usually ask to call either, Pop Pop, Nana, Mom-Mom, Jake or eggy (Meggy). She will walk around the room and talk on the phone. It is too funny.
She's on the phone. Shhhh
-I had to pick up pictures from Walgreens the other day so I sat Mady on the counter while I paid. The lady was handing me the receipt but Mady took it from her and said "Thank you! Buh-bye!" So funny. So cute.
-She calls Cinderella, Addie. I have no clue.
-She claps after every movie and it is usually accompanied with a YAY!
I am sure there is so many more things but that is all I can think of right now.
All I have to say is...Time.Slow.Down. Ok.Thanks.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Moving part dos
Saturday morning Matt and I were up at 6 am, typical, since that is when our lovely daughter usually wakes up. Much doesn't change even when she isn't here.
Matt had taken off of work this day to finish the move. We still had a lot of stuff at the old apartment so he enlisted the help of some really great, helpful people! I thought Matt had left the U-haul key at the old apartment so we drive there in my car to then realize it was in his backpack in the new place. Ugh. Oh well. Oh, and don't know you, our horrible neighbors were moving out the same day.
We loaded up my car as much as we could and headed back to the new place. I stayed there and unloaded the car and finished the kitchen while Matt and the others finished loading the truck. It took them about an hour. Then about another hour and half to unload. I am thankful that the weather wasn't too hot and there was a decent amount of cloud cover for them. I directed traffic then helped unload the last little bit.
You have to understand something about me. Moving big pieces of furniture = anxious Megan. So while they were unloading the big stuff, I headed to Chick-fil-a to get everyone some lunch. When I got back, everything was finished! We enjoyed our yummy lunch and watched some of the Olympics for a few minutes before the craziness for unpacking started.
We still had to go back to the old apartment to get a few random things and clean up a little bit. I have never been so ready to be done with a place. I vacuumed and Matt loaded the car. We handed in our key and said "buh-bye!" and never looked back! Such a wonderful feeling.
We got home and started sorting through everything and began unpacking.
We finally showered! Can you say, ew? and headed to get some dinner. Date night! Applebee's was right around the corner so off we went.
Matt had taken off of work this day to finish the move. We still had a lot of stuff at the old apartment so he enlisted the help of some really great, helpful people! I thought Matt had left the U-haul key at the old apartment so we drive there in my car to then realize it was in his backpack in the new place. Ugh. Oh well. Oh, and don't know you, our horrible neighbors were moving out the same day.
They decided that they were going to block off the spot right in front of our apartment for their moving truck. Typical of them.
We loaded up my car as much as we could and headed back to the new place. I stayed there and unloaded the car and finished the kitchen while Matt and the others finished loading the truck. It took them about an hour. Then about another hour and half to unload. I am thankful that the weather wasn't too hot and there was a decent amount of cloud cover for them. I directed traffic then helped unload the last little bit.
You have to understand something about me. Moving big pieces of furniture = anxious Megan. So while they were unloading the big stuff, I headed to Chick-fil-a to get everyone some lunch. When I got back, everything was finished! We enjoyed our yummy lunch and watched some of the Olympics for a few minutes before the craziness for unpacking started.
We still had to go back to the old apartment to get a few random things and clean up a little bit. I have never been so ready to be done with a place. I vacuumed and Matt loaded the car. We handed in our key and said "buh-bye!" and never looked back! Such a wonderful feeling.
We got home and started sorting through everything and began unpacking.
Mady's room was the dumping ground for most everything.
Dining Room and lots of boxes
We finally showered! Can you say, ew? and headed to get some dinner. Date night! Applebee's was right around the corner so off we went.
Love him!
Momma's yummy mudslide. I usually get one once or twice a year. Oh my goodness, soooo delicious!
We headed home and unpacked some more and called it a night.
Sunday morning we slept until 7:30! That is so late for us. And you guessed it more unpacking! We had to run a few errands to grab some stuff and grocery shopping was a must! We stopped at panera for a yummy lunch before we did any of that.
Love me some Panera!
We had to pick Mady up early on Monday morning so we headed to bed after we did some more unpacking, eating dinner and organizing. Oh, and TV watching! because hey we can do that now!
It was such a fun weekend. Like I had said earlier, my parents took Mady last minutes so it was a nice little stay-cation for Matt and I. We were just so thankful for a new house and the chance to spend some time together.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Feeling Settled
We are all moved in! Not ever box is unpacked but yay none the less! It is such a wonderful feeling. This new apartment is wonderful. It feels cozy and homey and just right for my family.
The last few days have been so crazy but exciting. It all started on Friday. I left around 6:15 am to meet my mom in Salisbury, MD to drop Mady off. She was spending the weekend with her nana and papaws. I usually get there first because it is about a half hour less of a drive from here. So, Mady and I arrive to our usual meeting spot and sit and wait for my mom. During the drive there she was driving me crazy. She kept throwing everything on the floor then getting upset because it was on the floor. AH. Anyways, so we get there and are waiting so I let Mady out of her car seat and let her sit with me in the drivers seat. (Don't worry the car was off) and I think the child pressed every.single.button she could. I was lucky my car started back up! Needless to say I was so excited to see my mom pull up!
The last few days have been so crazy but exciting. It all started on Friday. I left around 6:15 am to meet my mom in Salisbury, MD to drop Mady off. She was spending the weekend with her nana and papaws. I usually get there first because it is about a half hour less of a drive from here. So, Mady and I arrive to our usual meeting spot and sit and wait for my mom. During the drive there she was driving me crazy. She kept throwing everything on the floor then getting upset because it was on the floor. AH. Anyways, so we get there and are waiting so I let Mady out of her car seat and let her sit with me in the drivers seat. (Don't worry the car was off) and I think the child pressed every.single.button she could. I was lucky my car started back up! Needless to say I was so excited to see my mom pull up!
Yes, she is eating a cookie and Yes, it was only 8:30 am.
Waiting for Nana to save me!
While I was dropping her off, Matt and his friend were busy loading the truck and heading to the new apartment to sign the lease and get the keys. Matt still had work at 12 so they only had a few hours to get as much done as possible. When I got back to VA, I met him at the old apartment to get the keys and load up my car as well. Head to the new apartment to sign the lease and wait for the cable guy to come. Yay for having cable again! Anyways, the U-haul truck was still full of boxes because Matt didn't have time to unpack them. So, this girl, right here, unloaded the rest of the U-haul! I was darn proud of myself. It did take me a few hours and probably took 2 boxes at a time but hey I did it. I know it was a big help to Matt.
Finally the stupid cable man shows up about an hour late then when he goes outside to get his equipment he starts talking to another cable employee for 30 minutes!! Then it takes him forever to set up the internet and cable. Ugh. I was annoyed. I wanted to shower and his man was preventing that!
I shower and head to Target because did you know we are about 2 minutes away and I was sans goob! I walked around, got some soup for dinner and headed home. I think I was way too tired to enjoy my shopping trip.
I was able to unpack almost all the kitchen stuff and set up our make shift bed for the night. Finally Matt got home from work around 10 pm and I was headed to bed. I was so physically tired but mentally wide awake. We couldn't sleep. So at around 10:30, we got dressed and headed to Sonic for a late night snack. I cannot remember the last time we did that. Pre-pre goob! It was so fun. I kept mentioning to him I felt like we were breaking the law being out this late. I cannot remember the last time I went out so late. Sad.
This is getting a tad long so I will finish the rest tomorrow!
So thankful for this new home for my family. Thank you Lord!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
A New Season
Things have just been a little hectic around here and I am ready for it to be over. I have had the most horrible headaches the past 2 weeks. Like, make me nauseous, have no energy to do anything, headaches. I don't know if it is from stress or something else (no not pregnant). I just know I am ready for a new season...in many different areas of my life.
This apartment, the one we are moving out of in 1 day!, has so much negativity attached to it. There have been so many problems with this place. I have gone through, what I believe, is a depression here. Depression from moving away from family, and learning about a whole new place. I was not excited to move here and I am still struggling. We've been here for 9 months.
I am hoping a new apartment, new atmosphere will help me. Trust me, I know that our issues and problems follow us and that we cannot run away from them but I am hoping new scenery will help with my mood. New attitude.
I am ready for Fall. This summer has been a killer! So many hot, humid, gross days. I am ready for crispy fall days where you can wear a pair of jeans, and a long sleeve shirt, have pot roast for dinner and apple crisp for dessert. Fall candles burning. So ready! Plus, so many exciting things to look forward to in our family.It is my most favorite season!
Possible new job opportunity...all I can say.
New season with Mady. Lately, with moving, our DVD player has been on non stop. For reals. I need to pack and get stuff done and it is just easier to throw a movie on so I can think for a second without a toddler at my legs wanting to do what I am doing. You also have to understand the lay out of our current apartment. It is basically one big room with our couches, kitchen table, TV, desk. So it is hard for us to play without the TV on. Plus, I have to have noise in the background. It drives me crazy when it is so quiet. And I think I have passed that along to Mady. We will have a movie or DVD on in the background, while she plays with her babies or reads books but if the TV isn't on, its just weird, for both of us.
In the new apartment it is a single floor layout, which I am actually excited about. It means she can play in her room and throughout the living room without being confined to one room. I want to make her room, somewhat of a play room, but I also want her to understand that when she goes in there to sleep, that it is not time to play as well. We will see how it goes. I am excited to hopefully go to a story hour with her in the fall and just do some new activities. She is getting so big and more independent which is a double edge sword because it means she is growing up way too fast!
These are just my thoughts. More like ramblings but I feel better after writing this.
Off to finish some more packing! If you think of my family over the next few days, just pray that the move goes smoothly for all involved. Thank you!
Happy Thursday! =)
This apartment, the one we are moving out of in 1 day!, has so much negativity attached to it. There have been so many problems with this place. I have gone through, what I believe, is a depression here. Depression from moving away from family, and learning about a whole new place. I was not excited to move here and I am still struggling. We've been here for 9 months.
I am hoping a new apartment, new atmosphere will help me. Trust me, I know that our issues and problems follow us and that we cannot run away from them but I am hoping new scenery will help with my mood. New attitude.
I am ready for Fall. This summer has been a killer! So many hot, humid, gross days. I am ready for crispy fall days where you can wear a pair of jeans, and a long sleeve shirt, have pot roast for dinner and apple crisp for dessert. Fall candles burning. So ready! Plus, so many exciting things to look forward to in our family.It is my most favorite season!
Possible new job opportunity...all I can say.
New season with Mady. Lately, with moving, our DVD player has been on non stop. For reals. I need to pack and get stuff done and it is just easier to throw a movie on so I can think for a second without a toddler at my legs wanting to do what I am doing. You also have to understand the lay out of our current apartment. It is basically one big room with our couches, kitchen table, TV, desk. So it is hard for us to play without the TV on. Plus, I have to have noise in the background. It drives me crazy when it is so quiet. And I think I have passed that along to Mady. We will have a movie or DVD on in the background, while she plays with her babies or reads books but if the TV isn't on, its just weird, for both of us.
In the new apartment it is a single floor layout, which I am actually excited about. It means she can play in her room and throughout the living room without being confined to one room. I want to make her room, somewhat of a play room, but I also want her to understand that when she goes in there to sleep, that it is not time to play as well. We will see how it goes. I am excited to hopefully go to a story hour with her in the fall and just do some new activities. She is getting so big and more independent which is a double edge sword because it means she is growing up way too fast!
These are just my thoughts. More like ramblings but I feel better after writing this.
Off to finish some more packing! If you think of my family over the next few days, just pray that the move goes smoothly for all involved. Thank you!
Happy Thursday! =)
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Sometimes I wish....
Sometimes I wish....
- I could keep the vacuum running all day. It is the only way my child will sit still for more than 30 seconds. Whenever I say I am going to vacuum, she grabs her nights, babies, and juice and high tails it to the couch and does not move until I am done when then she repeats, "all done?"
- I could drop Mady off at my parents and go run errands without Madelyn and all of her gear (nights, juice, sometimes a baby or another random doll). Case and point. Today we went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Starts pouring rain. I, of course, buy the heaviest thing because, of course, I have to run to my car with all the bags and Mady. We get soaked. Old lady waits for my spot while I am attempting to put my child in the car. Pouring Rain. Then I can pull through, so I do and wait for a few seconds to gather myself. She is waiting. to.pull.through. REALLY?! Ah
-Money grew on trees. I get so tired of thinking about bills, and making sure everything is paid on time. I hate worrying about money. Over.It.
-I had a personal chef. I do enjoy cooking. But, thinking about every meal, every day, just gets exhausting. I need to scour pinterest for some new, yummy recipes. I have had good luck with Pinterest lately.
- I could keep the vacuum running all day. It is the only way my child will sit still for more than 30 seconds. Whenever I say I am going to vacuum, she grabs her nights, babies, and juice and high tails it to the couch and does not move until I am done when then she repeats, "all done?"
- I could drop Mady off at my parents and go run errands without Madelyn and all of her gear (nights, juice, sometimes a baby or another random doll). Case and point. Today we went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Starts pouring rain. I, of course, buy the heaviest thing because, of course, I have to run to my car with all the bags and Mady. We get soaked. Old lady waits for my spot while I am attempting to put my child in the car. Pouring Rain. Then I can pull through, so I do and wait for a few seconds to gather myself. She is waiting. to.pull.through. REALLY?! Ah
-Money grew on trees. I get so tired of thinking about bills, and making sure everything is paid on time. I hate worrying about money. Over.It.
-I had a personal chef. I do enjoy cooking. But, thinking about every meal, every day, just gets exhausting. I need to scour pinterest for some new, yummy recipes. I have had good luck with Pinterest lately.
Pork Stir Fry. Yummo
Coconut Macrons
-The bathrooms would clean themselves. I just hate cleaning the bathroom.
-That we could move without actually having to move our stuff. Like it would just magically appear in the new place. That would be awesome!
Happy Tuesday!!! =)
Monday, August 6, 2012
Keepin it real
It has been a busy past few days. Packing, packing, church, lunch dates, community group, packing, disciplining a a very curious 21 month old toddler while PACKING. You get the point...
So I thought I would show you a little bit of what my world looks like right now....
So I thought I would show you a little bit of what my world looks like right now....
Part of our living room
Another view of our living room with my daughter in a box
Matt trying to talk to me while I am taking these pictures. =)
Part of the kitchen
Boxes, boxes, boxes everywhere!
I feel when my house is cluttered, my mind is cluttered. I have had the most intense headaches the past few days which have felt me feeling very nauseous. I am so ready to be moved and start unpacking.
Thank the Lord for my parents who have offered to meet me half way on Friday morning so they could take Mady for the weekend while we move. I don't know what I would do without them. Thank you Momma! and Dadda!
The rest of the week this place will only look worse...awesome.
Well I am off to enjoy the US women's soccer game soon and relax for a while with the fam!
Enjoy your Monday!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Picky Eater
Mady has always been a picky eater. When she was a newborn I would get so upset over the amount she was eating because it was never what was "expected." I would call my mom crying and she would reassure me that she would eat when she was hungry. The peditritian never seemed concerned about it either so I finally just let go of it. She just did not have a huge appetite.
Unfortunately, this continued into the baby food and now into the adult food stage. During the baby food stage, it made me feel good to know I knew how much oz she was getting of everything she was eating. However, once we moved onto the table/adult food it was hard for me to gage how much she was getting. It drove me crazy and my worrying started again. But there was nothing I could do. I couldn't force her to eat so I had to let it go.
Mady girl is so stinkin' picky and she will get full fast. She is more of a snacker than a full meal eater. (If that even makes sense. haha) But I am that way too. I snack throughout the day more than eat a full meal.
She will devour all fruits and vegetables. If her plate has chicken, rice, and green beans on it. All the green beans will be gone along with maybe 2 or 3 bites of the chicken or rice. It drives me crazy. Trust me I am so thankful that she loves her fruits and veggies but I worry she is lacking the nutrition other foods will give her. She is definitely a petite girl. She is 21 months old and maybe 22 or 23 lbs.
So the other day she asked for a piece of bread. Plain piece of bread, honey whole wheat bread. So, I gave it to her thinking nothing of it. She ate the whole thing and asked for another. Sure, why not. It honestly made me laugh.
Now she asks for bread all the time! So yesterday when she asked me for a piece I thought I would put some peanut butter and jelly on it. Something new because my child does not eat sandwiches. She poked at it, made a mess of it but didn't eat it. So I obliged and gave her what she wanted. A plain piece of bread.
Whatever works! I have learned that she will ask for something when she is hungry and not to push so much or get frustrated with her. We are both still learning each other together.
Unfortunately, this continued into the baby food and now into the adult food stage. During the baby food stage, it made me feel good to know I knew how much oz she was getting of everything she was eating. However, once we moved onto the table/adult food it was hard for me to gage how much she was getting. It drove me crazy and my worrying started again. But there was nothing I could do. I couldn't force her to eat so I had to let it go.
Mady girl is so stinkin' picky and she will get full fast. She is more of a snacker than a full meal eater. (If that even makes sense. haha) But I am that way too. I snack throughout the day more than eat a full meal.
She will devour all fruits and vegetables. If her plate has chicken, rice, and green beans on it. All the green beans will be gone along with maybe 2 or 3 bites of the chicken or rice. It drives me crazy. Trust me I am so thankful that she loves her fruits and veggies but I worry she is lacking the nutrition other foods will give her. She is definitely a petite girl. She is 21 months old and maybe 22 or 23 lbs.
So the other day she asked for a piece of bread. Plain piece of bread, honey whole wheat bread. So, I gave it to her thinking nothing of it. She ate the whole thing and asked for another. Sure, why not. It honestly made me laugh.
Now she asks for bread all the time! So yesterday when she asked me for a piece I thought I would put some peanut butter and jelly on it. Something new because my child does not eat sandwiches. She poked at it, made a mess of it but didn't eat it. So I obliged and gave her what she wanted. A plain piece of bread.
Whatever works! I have learned that she will ask for something when she is hungry and not to push so much or get frustrated with her. We are both still learning each other together.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Life through my phone
Mady is taking an early nap, the hubby just left for work, and I am feeling really under the weather. It's kind of cloudy here today and honestly, I hope it rains. It's just that kind of day. Anyways...here is kind of what has been happening around here through my phone.
My mom ordered this book for me. Mady is definitely a strong-willed child. I have read through some of the book and I am truly thankful that she is not as strong willed as some of the children the book talks about. I hope it gives me some good ideas with how to deal with her strong will and discipline her correctly.
Mady got this Little People toy from her grandparents for Christmas. It was originally up in her room so she had something to play with while I was getting stuff done up there but lately its all she plays with. So, I brought it downstairs and it keeps her entertained for quite a while. Too bad they are expensive because I would totally go get her another one!
We bought Mady a potty recently. I just wanted to introduce her to it, sit on it, but we are not attempting to truly potty train right now. She's not ready but definitely showing signs to start soon. She loves sitting there and reading her book. She's too funny.
This was taken on our disaster day. Mady was so tired so she laid down on her big dog and watched Caillou for a little while.
My parents spent the night with us on Sunday. Mady and Nana are getting ready to watch Up. Love, love, love that movie!
Mady is OBSESSED with Toy Story 2. She loves Jessie! (or Jessady as Mady referes to her) so at the mall the other day, I bought her a Jessie doll. She goes everywhere with us, even grocery shopping. Mady gets the biggest smile on her face when she sees her. Melts my heart!
Thats a little of whats going on around here.
Enjoy your Wednesday!
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